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The Best Scenes and Songs from Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil

Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil: A Heartwarming Love Story

If you are looking for a Hindi movie full hd 1080p that will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love, you might want to watch Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil. This is a romantic comedy that was released in 2008 and starred Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma in their first film together. The movie was directed by Aditya Chopra and produced by Yash Raj Films. It was a huge box office success and received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike.

Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil

What is the plot of Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil?

The movie tells the story of Surinder Sahni (Shah Rukh Khan), a shy and simple man who works as an accountant for a power company. He lives a boring and lonely life, until he meets Taani (Anushka Sharma), the daughter of his former professor. Taani is a lively and cheerful girl who loves to dance and dream. Surinder falls in love with her at first sight, but he is too timid to express his feelings.

When Taani's father suffers a heart attack on the day of her wedding, he asks Surinder to marry Taani and take care of her. Surinder agrees out of respect and compassion, and Taani reluctantly accepts the marriage. However, she does not love Surinder and feels trapped in a dull and unhappy relationship.

Surinder decides to change himself and win Taani's heart. He enlists the help of his friend Bobby (Vinay Pathak), a hairdresser who gives him a makeover and teaches him how to be cool and confident. Surinder then creates an alter ego named Raj, a fun-loving and flamboyant guy who joins Taani's dance class. Taani is unaware that Raj is actually Surinder, and she starts to like him as a friend and a dance partner.

As Raj, Surinder tries to woo Taani and make her happy. He also tries to be a good husband as Surinder and make her comfortable. He hopes that one day Taani will realize that he is the one who truly loves her and that they are meant to be together.

What are the highlights of Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil?

There are many highlights of Hindi movie full hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil that will make you enjoy the movie. Some of them are:

  • The chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma. They have a great on-screen rapport and complement each other's performances. They also share some cute and funny moments that will make you smile.

  • The music and dance sequences. The movie has some catchy songs composed by Salim-Sulaiman and sung by various artists, such as Sonu Nigam, Shreya Ghoshal, Sukhwinder Singh, Sunidhi Chauhan, Labh Janjua, Roop Kumar Rathod, etc. The songs range from romantic to upbeat to emotional, and suit the mood of the scenes. The movie also has some impressive dance numbers choreographed by Shiamak Davar, Vaibhavi Merchant, Chinni Prakash, etc. The dances showcase different styles, such as Bollywood, Punjabi, hip-hop, salsa, etc.

  • The message of the movie. The movie conveys a message of love, friendship, loyalty, honesty, courage, and faith. It shows that love can transform a person and make them happy. It also shows that love can be found in the most unexpected places and people. It teaches that one should not judge a book by its cover or a person by their appearance. It encourages one to follow their dreams and passions.

Where can you watch Hindi Movie Full Hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil?

If you want to watch Hindi movie full hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil online for free or for a fee, you have several options to choose from. You can either:

  • Watch it on Prime Video. You can stream or download the movie on Prime Video with a 30-day free trial or a subscription plan. You can also rent or buy the movie on Prime Video with different prices depending on the quality.

  • Watch it on M4uHD. You can watch the movie on M4uHD for free without any registration or sign-up. You can also download the movie on M4uHD with different links provided on the website.

  • Watch it on MovieSpyHD. You can watch or download the movie on MovieSpyHD with high quality 480p, 720p, or 1080p full HD resolution. You need to create an account and log in to access the movie.

  • Watch it on other websites or platforms that offer Hindi movie full hd 1080p downloads or streaming services. You need to be careful and check the credibility and security of the website or platform before watching or downloading anything. You may also need to pay a fee or complete a survey to access the movie.

Note: Before watching Hindi movie full hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil online or offline, make sure you have a good internet connection or enough storage space on your device. Also, make sure you scan the file for viruses or malware before opening it.


Hindi movie full hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil is a romantic comedy that will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love. It stars Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma in their first film together, and tells the story of Surinder, a shy and simple man who transforms himself into Raj, a fun-loving and flamboyant guy, to win the heart of Taani, his lively and cheerful wife. The movie has many highlights, such as the chemistry between the lead actors, the music and dance sequences, and the message of the movie. You can watch the movie online or offline from various sources, but you need to be careful and check the validity and safety of the file. Hindi movie full hd 1080p Rab Ne Bana Di Jodil is a heartwarming love story that will make you believe that there is an extraordinary love story in every ordinary couple. a27c54c0b2


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